Saturday, September 8, 2012

Moving in.

Kaplan is ripping us off. The building is not designed for cooking. Currently i do not see a trash bin anywhere. wonder where is the waste disposal. it is wood laminate flooring. was hoping for carpet though. when i came in the floor was still dusty. the day before i came to check out my accomodation and it turned out that they were still undergoing some sort of construction at the student office. joke.

Good things: Free wifi, pretty fast. En-suite toilet, no more sharing wahahha. has a wardrobe. has enough cupboards to put stuff not enough cleaning facilities. The mop was crap.

After this rant, oh well we gotta make do. going to buy things like towels and toiletries. its not a hotel anymore.

While i was having breakfast at my hotel today, i happened to look at my water bottle. There was a picture of a smiling Globe and the caption: Save the earth. I wondered whether my course is all about that.

Why save the earth? I do think that it is to ensure the continuity of Man in general. So i hope i do not get my priorities wrong by advocating for animals and stuff before putting sustainability first.

OK! need to hype myself for shopping, which i do not really endorse. 

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