I was back in NYJC. There were tons of people around, it might be an open day or something.i was going up an escalator and thinking to myself that if they have a strict uniform policy i would not attend this school as it takes away my freedom to wear plain clothes. As i reached the top of the building, i was transported to MSHS to to cancel my STARHUB plan or something. But since school has reopened, the starhub booth was gone. Then i met my mother, who asked if i has canceled my plan or something, i said the booth was gone, but i think i cancelled online. She wanted some freebies form the starhub booth. lol.
Then somehow the dream changed to a mission to infiltrate the school and destroy something. Me and a group of people were rehearsing the action plan as the scened went through my head. During 1 scene, as i turned around, i woke up turning around.
i think the whole dream took 2 hours.